24 Jan 2024 Updates

Launch of the European Research Area Policy Platform: a new gateway for the ERA

The European Commission launched its brand-new Policy Platform on the European Research Area (ERA), a dedicated one-stop-shop, providing a comprehensive overview of current ERA policies, activities and achievements.

Since 2000, the ERA is the joint ambition of the EU Member States and the European Commission (in close cooperation with countries associated to the R&I Framework Programmes and R&I stakeholders) to establish a single, borderless market for research, innovation and technology across Europe. This goal was enshrined in Article 179 of the Lisbon Treaty.

The ERA Policy Platform is part of the new ERA governance framework and the Pact for Research and Innovation (R&I) in Europe. This platform will:

  • provide up-to-date information about the state of implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda and its joint actions;
  • give insights into EU-wide activities contributing to make progress on the ERA;
  • feature all the elements of the ERA monitoring mechanism, including interactive graphs showing the progress on ERA priorities as reported in the ERA Scoreboard and the ERA Dashboard;
  • offer a repository of key ERA-related documents and reports available to the public;
  • serve as a central space for communicating between all actors interested in advancing the ERA objectives.
Visit European Research Area Platform